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Motto: Writes for wine, chocolate or cheese. In any order.
Given that alongside other elements of my career I’m a writer and author, though not a famous one (yet – I can dream, can’t I?), it may be that you’ve stumbled across this website by accident, in which case, ‘Welcome’. Or more likely you are an editor and in a query letter I have directed you to this site, in which case a double ‘Welcome’ to you, oh hallowed one.
I hope it gives you a flavour of my work and areas of interest and knowledge. I like to be flexible with regard to topics and styles so do please contact me with any writing assignments. Or just feel free to browse the site anyway if you happen to have a spare 30 seconds.
Thanks for visiting.
PS. You may find I’ve written under a range of guises, some of which (but not all, she said mysteriously) will be revealed if you ‘Google’ me under ‘Julie Spencer-Cingoz’.