And an short extract from ‘In Sickness and in Health’ – the weather features strongly in the tale!
Chapter four
It was daybreak on a beautiful spring morning and we had done well to plan to avoid the April showers of the following month. The magnolia trees were budding their promise of heavily-scented blossom, the birds were chirping in the dawn, a breeze tickled the grass and the daffodils were nodding their approval of spring arriving.
It was murky, overcast, dismal, nebulous, turbulent, threatening, freezing – whatever gallimaufry I use will not alter the fact that it was downright bloody miserable outside. The UK had had a rare 5.2 Richter scale earthquake just four weeks previously, and Nature herself was still grumbling. It reflected the weather forecast exactly: they’ve definitely been getting better at it since the TV gaffe by the man with relentless enthusiasm for rain. At least it wasn’t raining at the time I was zipping in and out between the house and the marquee. All other humans and animals in the house had more sense and were still in bed, but there was just so much still to do. I was in martyr mode.