My new regular column for South Wales Argus newspaper – ‘Grassroots’ section

New regular contributor to the Grassroots column in the South Wales Argus newspaper

– local news snippets

I often hear people say that no-one is interested in ‘old-fashioned’ newspapers any longer. And to be honest I think I subscribed to that thought (rather than subscribing to the papers). Certainly the diminishing circulation figures have seen the demise of many papers and magazines, all thanks to the internet. But already I can see that there is still a thrill for people of seeing their name and maybe a photo in actual hard copy. I’m already being asked, ‘Will you let me know when it’s printed?’ and that’s after just one week. And not just from people of my own advanced age range. I guess younger people might find news online, but still want a hard copy. I wonder – do people still keep scrapbooks, or will all their news be lost in the ether in the future? What do you do with your cuttings and memorabilia? Convert it all to digital, or still shove it in a shoebox at the back of the wardrobe? Or create beautiful works of art with scrapbooking?