Castle School and friends reign supreme in theatrical performance, as their Brewhouse show Earth, Wind and Fire demonstrated.
All scenas were based on the elements, with a blend of dance and sketches exploring everything from The Jungle Book animals trying to steal fire from Mowgli to the London Underground. The latter was colourful and confident with excellent comedic timing, clever use of minimal props and topical references and fun facts woven in.
Somerset College’s ‘Spirit of the Forest’ produced earthy, grounded yet slick and sensual movements, contrasting sharply with Bishop’s Hull’s ‘Fireworks’ which sparkled and fizzed with energy and a superb final tableau.
Castle’s arch-villain hypnotising anyone buying special mobile phones didn’t waste a moment on stage with a brilliant pantomimic performance. A star in the making hotly contested by ‘Water’ in the clever links featured throughout the evening.
Churchstanton and St George’s schools delivered creative musical scenes with great relish to complete an uplifting evening’s entertainment, and for the second year running I sat enthralled by the exuberance and professionalism of Taunton’s young performers.